
Black Widow Spider (Part 3)

There are ways to help prevent Black Widow spider bites. Most humans are bitten when walking around barefoot outdoors or putting shoes on that have been stored in a dark place. Wear shoes when outside, long sleeves and a hat when gardening. Use may also want to clean under patio furniture, sweep up dark corners […]

Black Widow Spider (Part 2)

There are many species of black widows. The one we mostly associate with (and have seen in the movies) is the female who has a shiny black body with a red hourglass shape on her belly. These spiders live outdoors under woodpiles and sheds and such things and only go underground or in shelters when […]

Black Widow Spider (Part 1)

The Black Widow spider is feared by thousands. People have the misconception that they bite without any reason and you will die from it. They only reason the females will bite a human is if her web is disturbed or she’s defending her eggs. They are don’t run fast and are not good climbers and […]

Daddy Long Legs Spider

Daddy Long Legs spiders, aka Harvestmen, are spiders known for their very long legs. It loses its outside skeleton around every ten days. When threatened it releases a foul smell. They eat other insects and spiders as well as plants. There are myths that state they have very dangerous venom but this is untrue. They […]

Silverfish (Part 2)

Silverfish are nocturnal creatures who multiply rapidly. You can quickly get an infestation in your home. They can get into your home through the smallest crevices and cracks. They do best in dark, cool, wet places. To help prevent a Silverfish infestation you should use your bathroom exhaust system and dehumidifiers. You can use essential […]