
Sugar Ants

Sugar ants are small ants you may find in your kitchen. Once they find a sugary food to eat they will be determined to stay there. Besides sweets they will eat whatever food they can find. Because they look for an easy food source, like your home, they are usually found in suburbia. Their colonies […]

Palmetto Bug (aka Florida Woods Cockroach)

The Palmetto bug, or Florida Woods cockroach, is often mistaken for any large cockroach. Most people confuse the American cockroach for Palmetto bugs. The Palmetto bug is dark brown, almost black and turn a brownish-red color after shedding. The American cockroach looks similar however there are some significant differences. Palmetto bugs prefer the outdoors. They […]

Mud Dauber

What is a Mud dauber? Mud dauber, AKA Mud Wasp, is the name given to a few different families of wasps. They are long and thin with really narrow waists. Their name comes from the nests the females build. The nests are tubular or cylinder shaped with mud holding them together. What is the Mud […]